Violent Crimes

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Violent Crimes: Serious Charges With Serious Consequences

Violent crimes are some of the most serious charges that you can face, and the punishments are just as severe. You could spend years or even decades in jail, and with these potential consequences, it is essential to have legal counsel that you can trust to protect your rights and your future.

, has decades of experience navigating complex trial case, and our Long Island office has offered high quality legal defense to clients from a wide variety of backgrounds. When you are charged with a violent crime, we will work to create innovative legal strategies that protect your future and your liberty.

Defending You Against A Wide Variety Of Violent Crime Charges

Crimes that involved force or the threat of force are classified as violent under New York law. These crimes include:

  • Arson
  • Kidnapping
  • Burglary or robbery
  • Assault and battery
  • Manslaughter or homicide
  • Rape and other sex crimes
  • Hate crimes
  • Weapons charges

If you are charged with a violent crime, the stakes are high. These crimes are often punished with extensive jail time, and some sentences even prevent you from possibly being granted parole. These punishments can do lifelong damage to your freedoms.

can help you build a defense against the charges that you face. From arguing that your actions resulted from a need to defend yourself to examining the actions of the arresting officers to ensure that your rights were respected, we will examine the particulars of your case to build a compelling defense that creates the best possible results for you.

Protect Your Freedom Today

Contact our firm online or call to begin building a defense against these serious charges today.